
R package to simulate tsetse fly populations

Primary LanguageR

Travis-CI Build Status


rtsetse is an R package for simulating tsetse fly populations to investigate control options.

It follows from Hat-Trick, an Excel Tsetse model.

Development by Andy South in 2014-15. You are welcome to get in touch with comments or questions.


install_github('AndySouth/rtsetse', build_vignettes=TRUE)     

Code structure

The simulation has been built as a series of components that can be tested in isolation and can contribute to a maintainable and modifiable tool.

Function names in the package are preceded by rt. Functions called rt_run*() perform simulation runs.

rtsetse function purpose
rt_runAspatial() age-structured a-spatial population simulation
rt_runGridTestSpread() grid simulation, homogenous landscape, spread fro central populated cell
rt_runGrid() grid simulation, landscape set from vegetation map, population starts at carrying capacity

User interfaces can be accessed on the web at the links below and are available from a separate repository.

Shiny app link What it does To run locally
shinytsetse Offer options to run aspatial and gridded models and visualise outputs require(devtools)
install_github('AndySouth/rtsetse', build_vignettes=TRUE)
shiny::runGitHub('AndySouth/shinytse', subdir='shinytse7')