build_entry_index(): Add MatchType options support
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AngelPn commented
should check given MatchType
and select the appropriate matching words method. As discussed in our previous call, this can be done using a pointer to function:
/* pointer to function that does the keyword matching */
typedef int (*MatchingFunc)(const char* word1, const char* word2);
The above function pointer should be added as an argument to BK_tree_insert()
and replace compare_words()
ErrorCode BK_tree_insert(BK_treenode* root, BK_treenode new_node, MatchingFunc matching) {
int dist = matching(get_entry_word((*root)->item), get_entry_word(new_node->item));
Finally, if statements should determine the matching method in build_entry_index()
ErrorCode build_entry_index(const entry_list el, MatchType type, BK_tree* ix) {
if (((*ix) = (BK_tree)malloc(sizeof(struct tree))) == NULL)
return EC_FAIL;
(*ix)->size = get_number_entries(el);
(*ix)->root = NULL;
MatchingFunc matching;
if (type == MT_EXACT_MATCH)
matching = exact_match;
else if (type == MT_HAMMING_DIST)
matching = hamming_dist;
else if (type == MT_EDIT_DIST)
matching = edit_dist;
else return EC_FAIL;
/* Insert all entry_list's items to the tree iteratively */
ListNode current = get_first_node(el);
for(int i = 0; i < (*ix)->size; i++) {
if (BK_tree_insert(&((*ix)->root), make_treenode(get_node_item(current)), matching) == EC_FAIL)
return EC_FAIL;
current = get_next_node(current);
return EC_SUCCESS;
This requires the matching methods to be implemented:
int exact_match(const char* word1, const char* word2);
int hamming_dist(const char* word1, const char* word2);
int edit_dist(const char* word1, const char* word2);
Hamming and Edit Distance are implemented by sigmod2013