
First time icon not working proper in safari

dineshpandianr opened this issue · 5 comments

First time icon not working proper in safari


I need some information about the bug to reproduce it.

  • Are you using MaterialIcon helper?
  • Are you using ligatures or unicode mode?
  • Does the problem appear selecting any icon or one in particular?
  • Ruby, Rails and Safari version.

Thanks you for open an issue.


Thanks for replying. I'm using safari Version 9.0 and Rails 4.2.3, I install the gem and Required the CSS, its working perfectly in other browsers, but in safari first when I load for the first time it doesn't work, after hard refresh it works

Thanks, I will review your problem and try to reproduce in my environment.

I'm trying to reproduce the problem:

  • Create a new project with Rails 4.2.3
  • Require Material Icons gem and use it in ligatures mode
  • Insert some icons in a view
  • Open the view in Safari 9.0 (11601.1.56)
  • Restart the server with the gem in unicode mode
  • Close safari and open it.

To test I use web-brick server.

In both cases, the icons are displayed on first load. Can you see Element Inspector of Safari to check if the font is loaded?

There isn't any recent activity in this issue. I will close it, but if you need more help, reopen it :).
