
[BUG] General instability and unreliability printing from OrcaSlicer with ankerctl running in docker container

Opened this issue · 1 comments

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Describe the bug
I'm running the latest main (0007f4a) in a docker container built from the Dockerfile provided and loaded the login.json manually.
Previously ankerctl would freeze up and stop processing requests from OrcaSlicer.
With the latest it it doesn't seem to ever successfully print a file.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. From latest source
  2. run:
sudo docker build .
sudo docker cp -L "login.json" ankerctl:/tmp
sudo docker exec -it ankerctl /app/ -k config import /tmp/login.json
sudo docker-compose up --build -d
  1. Try to slice and print from OrcaSlicer (Tried latest, 1.9.1 and from nightly)
    I see Orca trying to upload the file to ankerctl but nothing appears on the printer.
    The Device tab shows all greens for status and if I go preheat the printer I see the temperature and other values update.

I changed the docker-compose.yaml to set FLASK_HOST= to allow connections from other computers.
Docker is running on a Synology DiskStation file server.
Orca is configured to connect to the file server to control the printer.

Expected behavior
I expect the gcode to be sent to the printer.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [e.g. iOS]
  • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
  • Version [e.g. 22]

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Tried running outside of docker. Still can't print.

[*] Press CTRL+C to quit
[*] VideoQueue: Requesting start
[*] PPPPService: Requesting start
[*] Trying connect to printer AnkerMake M5 (USPRAKM-004084-UXJWF) over pppp using ip
[*] MqttQueue: Requesting start
[*] Connecting printer AnkerMake M5 (USPRAKM-004084-UXJWF) through
[*] Established pppp connection
[*] PPPPService: Worker started
[*] VideoQueue: Worker started
[*] Connected to mqtt
[*] MqttQueue: Worker started
[*] TOPIC [/phone/maker/AK7ZR40C37500127/notice]
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[*] TOPIC [/phone/maker/AK7ZR40C37500127/notice]
[*] TOPIC [/phone/maker/AK7ZR40C37500127/notice]
[*] - - [21/Mar/2024 15:21:51] "GET /api/version HTTP/1.1" 200 -
[*] FileTransferService: Requesting start
[*] FileTransferService: Worker started
[*] Going to upload 7825864 bytes as 'temperature_tower_PLA_Anker_M5_All-Metal_Hot_End.gcode'
[*] Requesting file transfer..
[*] TOPIC [/phone/maker/AK7ZR40C37500127/notice]
[*] TOPIC [/phone/maker/AK7ZR40C37500127/notice]
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[*] TOPIC [/phone/maker/AK7ZR40C37500127/notice]
[*] TOPIC [/phone/maker/AK7ZR40C37500127/notice]
[*] TOPIC [/phone/maker/AK7ZR40C37500127/notice]
[*] TOPIC [/phone/maker/AK7ZR40C37500127/notice]
[*] TOPIC [/phone/maker/AK7ZR40C37500127/notice]