working on same network except in different network
Closed this issue · 4 comments
rafattouqir commented
I've used your implementation, It's working great in same network but when it comes to different network it' not connecting, may be ice candidate were not adding at proper time.
Need help or suggestion?
Ankit-Aggarwal commented
Some things to check :
- Your TURN AND STUN server are configured and working properly since if they are at different network these servers will be required to establish a connection.
- You need to add ICE candidate after adding remote sdp, if you have some candidate before that.. keep them in an array to be added when you gets remote sdp.
rafattouqir commented
I'm doing the same like caching remote candidates until remotesdp is set, but not working.
Is there any sample code that you could provide ? That would be great :)
Ankit-Aggarwal commented
You have confirmed TURN AND STUN server
rafattouqir commented
All of your implementation was ok, I was not sending ice candidates to remote properly.
It's working now.