Lab Group No 25 PROJECT ******************************************************************************************************************************************** Anshul Purohit 110050002 Anmol Garg 110050020 We hereby declare that the work we have done in this project is original and we haven't copied or plagiarised anything from anywhere. The project webpage link is The targets of the Makefile are: make clean - This target deletes all the content generated by running other make targets. make dist - This first does a make clean and then removes Box2D library installed and the tar zips the entire base code folder make - This first installs Box2D lib and then compiles the src files and generates the report. make report - generated the project report make install - this first runs a make on the project and copies the contents for project for the end user like html file , report , plots and images to the install directory(path to which is ~/install) Following are the Citations we referred for completing the assignment. - for the Project Webpage and javascript exapmle -GNU Make Manual -Makefile Tutorial - -Doxygen Manual - -Git - A Simple Guide - -GPROF tutorial - -Python 3 Tutorial - -BOX2D Manual -