
Suggestion: take "hipster" out of the repo name

Closed this issue · 7 comments

jjt commented

It's a contentious word with a definition that varies from person to person. It's polarizing, which isn't good for a name of a tool. Just look at the hipster hate out there.

Polarizing was intended to get initial mindshare about this project. I'll consider a better name when the dust has settled. As chance would have it, I "developed" an algorithm to determine project/product names that can be applied here:

Of course, suggestions are welcome for the next few weeks. :)

jjt commented

I'm a sample size of one, but I'm probably not going to share this project with anyone, due to the name.

I hope that I'm alone in this regard, as it looks like a very nice tool. I just don't like perpetuating the word "hipster".

This thread is ridiculous. Kudos to @Anonyfox for the clever approach to marketing.

I have already shared it widely with my company. Please dont change the name. Its awesome.

The link to your blog is broken. I also tried to find it on the Internet Archive, but your robots.txt blocked it. Do you still have that naming algorithm? Thanks.

Oh, thanks for the info. Seems that I just forget to restart my blog after some server issues with other apps. I'll have a look at this soon. :)