
Better handling of anything between "next year" to "someday

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Follow up for #22 (thank you @robertbasden !).

Tasksched shows only "Month date", and "someday" for anything over 10 years; which can be confusing if something is scheduled on say, March 20th 2019 (today being February 2018).

Maybe we want to have 4 tiers of date formatting:

  • Month date: for anything under 1 year
  • "Next year" for anything between 1-2 years
  • "In X years" for X years, with X between 2-10 years
  • "Someday" for anything over 10 years

@AnotherKamila mentioned that these conditionals should go out of TaskView.elm as a date formatting function, she'll probably add details on that :).

Indeed, a refactoring would be good: instead of having ifs in the HTML, the TaskView.elm functions should use functions from Date/Human.elm (which already accept a now parameter). The stuff in Date/Human.elm should be expanded to handle this use.