
Add search / filter to make it easier to find tasks

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Add a search field that filters tasks.

Do not try to re-implement taskwarrior's filtering -- just take the text in the search field and send a request to the server every time. It's not worth it to do it locally.

This needs support in the server -- it should accept the search (e.g. as a query string parameter) and add it to its filter.

I think the server doesn't need changes :). If I recall correctly: when I modified the thing, I made the assumption that this would come :-D.

@evilham yay, you're awesome :D I was too lazy to check when typing that :D great, so it's just a client-side change!

BTW, a couple things that came to mind:

  • refresh shouldn't lose filters
  • maybe we want to allow for multiple saved (locally) saved filters
  • there's also the thing of synchronisation (of that hypothetical list) across tabs
  • it should be possible to have different filters on different tabs though
  • that would mean that any custom filters should be visible on the UI
  • maybe it'd be a time to show the name of the current context if one is active?

Basically, it should be easy to know what one is seeing :-D
What do you think? :)