A Shopping list integration with Grocy for Home Assistant
- 3
Grocy url access with name is not working
#40 opened by Tugado - 2
update_note servcie [question]
#39 opened by ChaiFox - 1
extend to
#38 opened by pippo73 - 4
Integration with Home Assistant To-Do?
#31 opened by saya6k - 1
- 1
Feature Request: Consume Location as attribute
#36 opened by saya6k - 2
Can't track amount open in product sensor
#35 opened by saya6k - 1
show Quantity Unit in Product sensor as string.
#34 opened by saya6k - 5
Problems with component configuration
#29 opened by casasimovero - 9
- 1
- 9
Quantity missing as attribute
#30 opened by saya6k - 6
Custom user fields
#28 opened by yordanov-alexandar - 2
MQTT Port not available
#27 opened by sushibagel - 6
- 6
- 6
Default quantity unit purchase
#24 opened by anha7196 - 3
Feature Request: location as device option
#23 opened by saya6k - 7
Config entry 'ShoppingListWithGrocy' for shopping_list_with_grocy integration not ready yet: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str;
#22 opened by renarena - 11
Separate different grocy shopping lists?
#21 opened by anha7196 - 5
- 1
add the number of products in the stock
#19 opened by alfry82 - 2
Home Assistant template error
#17 opened by rachaelbond - 7
- 5
Product names
#11 opened by rachaelbond - 7
Missing shopping_list_with_grocy services
#10 opened by grzech1983 - 5
Grocy URL
#9 opened by MinnowKnight - 1
- 5
Missing shopping list items
#6 opened by rachaelbond - 1
little question...
#5 opened by schumi2309 - 14
Example of dashboard UI ?
#4 opened by schumi2309 - 22
- 3
Product group attribute
#3 opened by rachaelbond - 5
error installing integration
#1 opened by eddysteurs