
[BUG] multiple values for keyword argument 'xmlns'

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Describe the bug
Creating Svg object with the argument "xmlns" will cause TypeError: fasthtml.svg.ft_svg() got multiple values for keyword argument 'xmlns'.
I believe it would be a very common practice to convert svg code to Svg object by using the html2ft tool, which often contains the property xmlns=''. In the lastest version of the source code, this argument is passed through **kwargs. It will cause an argument conflict in line 39 ft_svg('svg', *args, xmlns="", viewBox=viewBox, height=height, width=width, **kwargs), since xmlns is explictly given.

This is of course not really a bug, but it would be much convenient to provide an argument check, so a common user don't have to remove this property every time converting a html code to Svg object.

code suggestion

# line 34
def Svg(*args, viewBox=None, h=None, w=None, height=None, width=None, **kwargs):
    "An SVG tag; xmlns is added automatically, and viewBox defaults to height and width if not provided"
    if h: height=h
    if w: width=w
    if not viewBox and height and width: viewBox=f'0 0 {width} {height}'
    if "xmlns" not in kwargs: kwargs["xmlns"]=""
    return ft_svg('svg', *args, viewBox=viewBox, height=height, width=width, **kwargs)

Minimal Reproducible Example
Provide a minimal code snippet that reproduces the issue. This is crucial for us to understand and fix the bug quickly.

                        Path(fill_rule='evenodd', d='M3 5a1 1 0 011-1h12a1 1 0 110 2H4a1 1 0 01-1-1zM3 10a1 1 0 011-1h6a1 1 0 110 2H4a1 1 0 01-1-1zM3 15a1 1 0 011-1h12a1 1 0 110 2H4a1 1 0 01-1-1z', clip_rule='evenodd'),
                        viewbox='0 0 20 20',
                        cls='w-6 h-6'


  File "/home/mupro/workshop/fasthtml-learn/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/fasthtml/", line 40, in Svg
    return ft_svg('svg', *args, xmlns="", viewBox=viewBox, height=height, width=width, **kwargs)
TypeError: fasthtml.svg.ft_svg() got multiple values for keyword argument 'xmlns'

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Environment Information
Please provide the following version information:

  • fastlite version: 0.0.11
  • fastcore version: 1.7.9
  • fasthtml version: 0.6.8

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  • [ x] I have read the FAQ (
  • [x ] I have provided a minimal reproducible example
  • [ x] I have included the versions of fastlite, fastcore, and fasthtml
  • [x ] I understand that this is a volunteer open source project with no commercial support.

Additional context
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