
Antares Simulator : crash in debug on Windows

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As said on title, Antares Simulator crashes :

  • For some studies (example : Antares_Simulator_Tests_NR : short-tests/001 One node - passive)
  • Compilation in debug mode
  • OS : Windows

Reason why crash occurs :
New class yearRandomNumbers's reset() function makes a modification it should not do (see below for the commit introducing the crash).

void reset()
    // General
    pNbClustersByArea.assign(pNbAreas, 0);

This means it modifies the number of thermal cluster of areas.
If this change was made at the end of the simulation, in a harmless location, where we are sure that pNbClustersByArea is no longer used, why not ? The better would be not to touch it at all, as it is a data of the study, not supposed to change during the simulation.
So removing this instruction is the right thing to do.

Which commit caused the problem :

Revision: 6c3646b19459ce23cf41c8b40989fc30e2a877b0
Date: 17/07/2024 15:06:15
Message: Remove manual dynamic memory usage (#2254)