
Does not exist in the current context

matthew798 opened this issue · 2 comments

I have a view in DB:

@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Localization
@inject  IViewLocalizer Localizer
@model  dynamic

@section Scripts
    @if(Model != null)
            var json = @Html.Raw(Json.Serialize(@Model));
            populateForm($("#form"), json);

    ViewData["Title"] = Localizer["Preventive Maintenance Postponement"];

<h1>@Localizer["Preventive Maintenance Postponement"]</h1>

<form asp-controller="Form" asp-action="Submit" method="post" id="form">

I tried to compile and run the view like so:
var result = Engine.Razor.RunCompile(form.Html, form.Name, typeof(Form), form);

And I get:

An exception of type 'RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateCompilationException' occurred in RazorEngine.NetCore.dll but was not handled in user code
Errors while compiling a Template.
Please try the following to solve the situation:
  * If the problem is about missing/invalid references or multiple defines either try to load 
    the missing references manually (in the compiling appdomain!) or
    Specify your references manually by providing your own IReferenceResolver implementation.
    See for details.
    Currently all references have to be available as files!
  * If you get 'class' does not contain a definition for 'member': 
        try another modelType (for example 'null' to make the model dynamic).
        NOTE: You CANNOT use typeof(dynamic) to make the model dynamic!
    Or try to use static instead of anonymous/dynamic types.
More details about the error:
 - error: (15, 18) The name 'inject' does not exist in the current context
	 - error: (17, 18) The name 'model' does not exist in the current context
	 - error: (19, 18) The name 'section' does not exist in the current context
	 - error: (24, 36) The name 'Html' does not exist in the current context
	 - error: (24, 45) The name 'Json' does not exist in the current context
	 - error: (29, 4) The name 'ViewData' does not exist in the current context
	 - error: (29, 24) The name 'Localizer' does not exist in the current context
	 - error: (31, 18) The name 'Localizer' does not exist in the current context
	 - error: (33, 20) The name 'Localizer' does not exist in the current context
	 - error: (35, 46) The name 'Localizer' does not exist in the current context
	 - error: (37, 51) The name 'Localizer' does not exist in the current context
	 - error: (39, 45) The name 'Localizer' does not exist in the current context
	 - error: (41, 54) The name 'Localizer' does not exist in the current context
	 - error: (43, 47) The name 'Localizer' does not exist in the current context
	 - error: (45, 45) The name 'Localizer' does not exist in the current context
	 - error: (47, 54) The name 'Localizer' does not exist in the current context
	 - error: (49, 52) The name 'Localizer' does not exist in the current context
	 - error: (57, 18) The name 'Localizer' does not exist in the current context
	 - error: (59, 48) The name 'Localizer' does not exist in the current context

I realize I might have to work on getting the localizer to work. But AFAIK the @model should work just fine. Any ideas?

texyh commented

@matthew798 did you manage to fix this?

@texyh no sorry, I gave up and did it differently.