
Alternative to RazorEngine?

Opened this issue · 11 comments

Looks like this project is dead and also has some issues working with Core and some Azure services (e.g. Azure Functions).

What are people using instead?

@GFoley83 I recommend RazorLight.
If you use it with .net core 3, please check it.

This doesn't appear to be open source.

@GFoley83 I recommend RazorLight.
If you use it with .net core 3, please check it.

This will not work with .NET Core 3.0.

@GFoley83 I recommend RazorLight.
If you use it with .net core 3, please check it.

This will not work with .NET Core 3.0.

Try to use version 2.0.0-beta1.

@GFoley83 that's the version I have been using

@GFoley83 that's the version I have been using

It works in my project using .Net core 3.0 with following code:

async Task<string> Assemble(string viewString, YourModelType model)
  var engine = new RazorLight.RazorLightEngineBuilder()
  return engine.CompileRenderAsync("somekey", viewString, model);

I also switched to RazorLight using .Net Core 3.0

RazorLight does not support @helper. Just FYI.

After a long research. @helper is simply not available in .NET Core 3 but you can go around it.

But I found myself going with this:

I was able to run the out of the box Razor in an Azure Function.