
expresion render in loop statement

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We've been using Razor for rending XML document, but when use expression in end tag of xml I has problem. My example

@for(int j=0;j<10;j++) { <p@(j)></p@(j)> }
and rend parse template with RazorEngine version I had result
<p0></p@(j)> <p1></p@(j)> <p2></p@(j)> <p3></p@(j)> <p4></p@(j)> <p5></p@(j)> <p6></p@(j)> <p7></p@(j)> <p8></p@(j)> <p9></p@(j)>

as result, begin element name render is correct but end tag is incorrect!
Can anyone provide any suggestions or tell what's wrong in my template !
Thanks so much!