
--wait option

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi, Anthony! Please tell me, the function "wait@ is excluded from the MPXGEN?

It now always waits for new audio. Do you still want the toggle back?

It now always waits for new audio. Do you still want the toggle back?

Yes, that would be great! If ffmpeg freezes, only the carrier with no sound remains on the air.

The sound input code has been changed so if there is nothing in the input the audio goes silent but the RDS encoder keeps running.

I'm sorry, I misspelled it. I want to use not only RDS, but also MPX. Therefore, if only mpxgen remains on the input after the sound disappears, this will be a problem. If you return the flag, this may be the solution, and I can control the behavior of mpxgen when the sound disappears.

I added it back in the latest commit. 82f5f79