
Live audio input?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Nice project.
As I see it can only use a file as input.
Is it possible to use audio input device as input? So It can be a MPX coder for live audio. I can put analog L+R and get composite with RDS.

In the Makefile, change ALSA = 0 to ALSA = 1 and then run make clean && make to rebuild with ALSA input.

Hi, Antony!
When I try to transmit audio from ffmpeg, I get the following error (this is about the last update):

Input does not work for now.
av_interleaved_write_frame(): Broken pipe
Error writing trailer of pipe:: Broken pipe

The last commit is a major code refactoring to prepare for adding threading. I have disabled audio handling for now. You can checkout commit 397e81e if you still want audio input.