
Barcode in not working

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I have a proyect hosted in AWS and barcode is no generating a QR. This is the code:

 {%  set qr = barcode({code: url('dataCard',{'card':card.url}), type: 'qrcode', format: 'png', color: [0, 0, 0]})  %}
    <div class="codigo-qr"> <img src="{{ 'data:image/png;base64,' ~ qr }}" /></div>

In my local machine, is working Ok and generating the image.


This plugin needs the extension : GD.

Install and it works

Hello !

If there is some problem of requirements, make sure you have install these two extensions of PHP (check in your phpinfo()).

Barcodes requires GD and ImageMagick to create PNGs in PHP 5.3.
Barcodes requires PHP bcmath extension for Intelligent Mail barcodes

Have a good day ! =)