

anilchauhanhp9 opened this issue · 0 comments

Autogenerated report:

  "name": "Error",
  "message": "Exited with code 1. Check console output for more information.",
  "stack": "Error: Exited with code 1. Check console output for more information.\n    at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/tmp/.mount_raxmlGhl8xOD/resources/app.asar/build/electron.js:1:131917)\n    at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:527:28)\n    at ChildProcess.emit (node:domain:475:12)"

Active state:

  "command": "raxml-ng --all --msa /mnt/c/Users/Anil/WSL_ubuntu_18/RAxML_GUI/input/Sequence of 8 best Isolates for phylogenetic tree 11.11.2022_modified.fasta --model GTR --prefix /mnt/c/Users/Anil/WSL_ubuntu_18/RAxML_GUI/result/2022_2 --seed 118624 --outgroup Aquifex_pyrophilus_strain_Kol5a__NR_029172_ --bs-metric tbe --tree rand{1} --bs-trees autoMRE",
  "stdout": "[84215 more characters]...8494.095798\n[00:03:48] [worker #0] Bootstrap tree #393, logLikelihood: -8354.062648\n\nERROR: ERROR in SPR round (LIBPLL-2240): BL opt converged to a worse likelihood score by -0.000000013191311 units\n\n"

Process: renderer
Debug info not available in renderer.