
Corn Burner on STM32F411 flex fuel adapter with STM framework (Engine EFI)

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

CornBurner Beta

Flexfuel adapter for 4 cylinder gasoline engine with indirect injection.


Only to change GPIO and peripheral parameters, open stm_config.ioc using STM32CubeMX.

You need stm32pio:

pip install stm32pio

For more details about stm32pio follow: https://github.com/ussserrr/stm32pio

In PlatformIO CLI run:


Calculation of extra injection time

Ethanol AFR

Combustion equation is:

$$C_2H_6O + 3 O_2 \rightarrow 3 H_2O + 2 CO_2$$

Molar mass are:

$M_{C_2H_6O} = 46.07g.mol^{-1}$
$M_{O_2} = 32g.mol^{-1}$

Then for 1kg of $C_2H_6O$ $$m_{O_2} = \frac{3 * M_{O_2}}{M_{C_2H_6O}} = 2.08kg$$

Therefore for 1kg of ethanol we need 2.08kg of O2
Ambient air composition is 21% of O2 then

$$AFR_{eth} = \frac{1}{0.21} * 2.08 = 9.90$$

Gasoline AFR

Avearage value for gasoline is 14.7

$$AFR_{gas} = 14.7$$


$P_{eth}$ is ethanol proportion in fuel from 0 to 1


$$AFR_{mix} = AFR_{eth}*P_{eth} + AFR_{gas}*P_{gas}$$

Assuming ethanol and gasoline have the same density

$$P_{gas} = 1 - P_{eth}$$

Extra time coefficient is:

$${\alpha} = \frac{AFR_{gas}}{AFR_{mix}}$$

$T_{ECU}$ is injection time calculated by car ECU and $T_{applied}$ is real injection time provided by the adapter.
Finaly injection time is: $$T_{applied} = T_{ECU} *{\alpha}$$

Example values

Fuel Ethanol Proportion AFR Extra time
SP95 0% 14.7 0
E10 10% 14.22 +3.4%
E100 100% 9.9 +48%
E85 85% 10.62 +38%
E65 65% 11.58 +27%
50/50 47.5% 12.42 +18%

50/50 is a mix than contain 50% of SP95E10 and 50% of E85

Environmental aspect

Let the following gasoline reaction equation be: $$2 C_8H_{18} + 25 O_2 \rightarrow 18 H_2O + 16 CO_2$$

Molar mass are:

$M_{C_8H_{18}} = 114g.mol^{-1}$
$M_{CO_2} = 44g.mol^{-1}$

Then for 1kg of $C_8H_{18}$

$$m_{CO_2} = \frac{8 * M_{CO_2}}{M_{C_8H_{18}}} = 3.09kg$$

And for 1kg of $C_2H_6O$

$$m_{CO_2} = \frac{2 * M_{CO_2}}{M_{C_2H_6O}} = 1.91kg$$

Gasoline consumption: 8L/100km
Assuming ethanol and gasoline have the same density $\rho = 0.75$

E85 Extra Consumption C02/km Fossil CO2/km CO2 Reduction
100% 38% 173g 38g -79%
80% 29% 176g 76g -59%
60% 20% 178g 109g -41%
40% 12% 181g 137g -26%
20% 6% 183g 162 -12%
0% 0% 185g 185g 0%

(Many approximations were made during these calculations. They are presented for indicative purposes only and are quite optimistic)

Economic aspect

Avearage price per liter for fuel in France are 1.75€ for E10, 0.92€ for E85 and Gasole (B7) cost 1.73€
For comparison purposes we will consider also a Diesel car.
Gasoline consumption: 8L/100km
Diesel consumption: 6L/100km

E85 Extra Consumption Gas Equivalent Price Saving Diesel
100% 38% 1.27€ 0.48€ -1.7%
80% 29% 1.40€ 0.35€ +11%
60% 20% 1.50€ 0.25€ +21%
40% 12% 1.60€ 0.15€ +30%
20% 6% 1.68€ 0.07€ +39%
0% 0% 1.75€ 0.00€ +46%