
Missing Features

Closed this issue · 4 comments

My congergation is just starting to use JW Lib. We still have to teach some of the older ones what to do. The younger ones are picking it up right away. The org. SoundBox had many features that was left out of Only-R. Under the Record tab, you can start a new tract. You cant do that in Only-R. In soundBox, you could add MP3 Tags. You can't do that in only-r. SoundBox has a Copy tag. Only-R don't. These are very important features. Currently, we are running both SoundBox and JW Lib at the same time. I can only hope that Only-R is fixed and that SoundBox don't stop working when support runs out.

@mrndepth thanks for your feedback. SoundBox won't stop working in 2019 unless it meets with OS incompatibilities. Regarding the features you mention, I have deliberately kept the "Only" apps lightweight with attention focused on what I understand to be key functionality (for the majority of users). I don't know what features JWL will eventually offer so I hope you'll understand the reasons for my stance.

To start a new track, just press stop, then press again to record another track. Click-Click, simple.

Blann commented

And copying to removable media is fairly straightforward as the 'Recordings...' button opens to the relevant folder - all you have to do is drag and drop.

I've found we have to accept that while we can maintain the vast majority of the functionality we're used to, it'll inevitably be a little more convoluted to do certain things. But once you're used to the new way of doing those things, it'll be almost second nature as it was before. I think we've been a bit spoilt by SoundBox - I'm grateful to Antony for not leaving us in the lurch!

Closing, but would welcome specific feature requests (1 issue per item). Note that "Copy" function is now available in the latest draft release.