
Recover MP3 files in the temporary folder due to unexpected crash of the Windows/program (Feature Request)

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Feature Request: Audio recording file is currently been saved in the Windows temporary folder. If there's an unexpected crash of the Windows or program, it would be nice to be able to recover the MP3 files from the temporary folder thru OnlyR instead of finding/browsing the temporary folder. MP3 file in the temporary folder is playable.

One file recovery option is for OnlyR to check for unfinalized MP3 in the temporary folder on the next OnlyR program execution and offer the user the option to recover the temporary files.

The other option is to have an OnlyR setting to save the temporary audio file in the same folder as "Recording folder" but name the temporary file differently before clicking "Stop recording" (i.e. name the file "Tuesday 13 October 2020 - 001.Unfinalized.mp3" while recording and rename the file to "Tuesday 13 October 2020 - 001.mp3" after clicking "Stop recording"). Using this option, user can just click on the "Recording folder" option to get to the "Unfinalized" files.

@zeroprint Thanks for this suggestion - now implemented. Any aborted recording is salvaged automatically on next start up. Available in