
api key box does nothing

Closed this issue · 1 comments

jakaco commented

inputting the api key to the api key text box works but when i go back to the main weargpt screen the api key is cleared from the text box

inputting the api key to the api key text box works but when i go back to the main weargpt screen the api key is cleared from the text box

Hey, after you enter the api key, you need to wait until a text below modify button appears

The text will be either
🟩 Valid : if the api key entered is valid

🟥 Invalid : if the api key entered is invalid

Don't go back until one of the text appears !

Please revert if that helps.

(Also make sure , in order for the app to respond to your queries, enter the api key correctly and also make sure you have enough credits assigned by openAI to your account )