
Logical processors

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Describe what you would like changed, and why.

Hello, I wanted to suggest if you make the logical processors also be able to read messages from the blocks and read variables from other processors, and that other types of data be saved in memory blocks.

Describe the changes you want to propose. Include possible alternatives.

Other data in memory blocks
Processors can read other processors
That you can have several campaigns (as if they were different games and that the mods are added individually to each one

great. someone didnt read "do not suggest"

That isn't in the "do not suggest". It says no string manipulation, but not no reading from other processors.

Why do we really need to be able to read variables values from processors when you have memory block to save and read from?

Also that still doesn't change the fact that string manipulation, like reading from message blocks, isn't supposed to be suggested.

The memory block only allows variables with numbers but does not accept Letters or Container variables, Or if yes, then it won't let me save them

of course it doesnt.its for numbers only.serialize

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