
Allow usage of arrays in blendGroup

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Describe what you would like changed, and why.

I think that the blendGroup field in floors should accept either a string or an array, as one might want a floor to avoid blending with multiple other floors, rather than just one.

Describe the changes you want to propose. Include possible alternatives.

  • Allowing blendGroup to accept strings or arrays, rather than strings only
  • As an alternative, adding a whitelist alternative to blendGroup, allowing us to make the tile only blend one specific tile, rather than blending with all tiles except the specified tile

I think that this is the whitelist. I think you are misunderstanding. The blendgroup is the tiles that have the same base graphics and it will blend with.
For instance, hotrock blends with magma rock and basalt because the blendGroup is basalt.
Everything that has the same blendGroup should blend.

Huh, good to know. I was having issues with things blending with everything except their specified blendGroup.

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