
"Featured" Mod system on the mod list.

Closed this issue · 1 comments

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Some kind of tag system that allows a selected group of moderators feature a mod. When a mod is featured, there is some kind of indication of it being featured (like a star next to its name), and will be pinned to the top of the mod list. Featured mods are gonna be very uncommon. (Similiar to the featured tag in the modding-forums in the discord)

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Currently, there is two sorting systems for mods, recently updated and most stars. And both of them do not really favor mods that have just been created that is very creative / innovative, but will never get noticed. The recent mods are usually just low quality mods people create in 10 minutes, while the stars tab does have good mods, but barely change, and the star count do not directly relate to the mod quality (mods like Aeyama for example, are disliked by the community but yet still have over 100 stars). And a featured tag will directly allow people who are experienced in modding select the mods they redeem "high quality". The best way is probably directly carry over what mods are featured in the discord forums, and just translate that into the mindustry mod browser.

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