
Coop gameplay

Closed this issue · 5 comments

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Coop Gameplay, together in open game and / or campaign.

Describe how you think this content will improve the game. If you're proposing new content, mention how it may add more gameplay options or how it will fill a new niche.

I would recommend that in a coop game that both users can see what the otherone is building / planning to build.

I would also recomment (even more important than the first recomendation) that in a coop-game both players can do research....thats realy paint right now.

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do you understand how much will it increase the bandwidth used especially with large schematics

and research code needs to be refactored for network syncing and research.mindustry is nearing its end.that isnt happening

and research code needs to be refactored for network syncing and research.mindustry is nearing its end.that isnt happening

just giving my input :)

maybe it would be possible that you can see the research tree and the current status. It would be okay if only the host can controll the research but the other players should be at least have the possibility to see where are we, what possibilities do we have, what comes next.

But i understand that it is a lot of change, as i mentioend it....only my input.

do you understand how much will it increase the bandwidth used especially with large schematics

yea....would be a lot higher. This suggestion is no big deal, you just have to talk more.....that works fine. The other one with the research is in my eyes the bigger deal.

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