
Allow World Processors to Force Players into Units

Closed this issue · 4 comments

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allow world processors (perhaps via Set Property) to set the unit a player is controlling or transmute it into another unit

Describe how you think this content will improve the game. If you're proposing new content, mention how it may add more gameplay options or how it will fill a new niche.

this would increase the number of features for mappers to use. some uses off the top of my head would be making a "cutscene" that has a mega drop in a dagger for you to control until you reach the core (or mabey a mace/etc) basically just missions where you have to "capture" the core before it lets you start base building

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  • I have checked the Trello to make sure my suggestion isn't planned or implemented in a development version.
  • I am familiar with all the content already in the game or have glanced at the wiki to make sure my suggestion doesn't exist in the game yet.
  • I have read to make sure my idea is not listed under the "A few things you shouldn't suggest" category.

for example (from red alert 3)

I hope #3623 gets merged just to get rid of comments like yours that contribute nothing to the conversation 🙃

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