
Can't fix error from mod browser

XenonZe opened this issue · 1 comments

I know this is the wrong place, but it relates to the mod browser. I was installing a bunch from there and all was fine until it now no longer loads. Like it will give the "uh oh" window. I've removed every trace of the mods I can find from my install location, as well as checking appdata/roaming, despite there being zero trace of any additional mod folder. Where does it keep mods? I removed all the mods I could find but there seems to be some source folder I cannot find.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: scaleX cannot be 0.
at arc.scene.ui.Label.scaleAndComputePrefSize(
at arc.scene.ui.Label.getPrefWidth(
at arc.scene.ui.layout.Cell.prefWidth(
at arc.scene.ui.layout.Table.computeSize(
at arc.scene.ui.layout.Table.getPrefWidth(
at arc.scene.ui.layout.WidgetGroup.pack(
at UnitInfo.ui.UnitDisplay$1.lambda$new$5(
at arc.scene.ui.layout.Table.(
at UnitInfo.ui.UnitDisplay$1.lambda$new$6(
at arc.scene.ui.layout.Table.(
at UnitInfo.ui.UnitDisplay$1.(
at UnitInfo.ui.UnitDisplay.lambda$new$13(
at arc.scene.ui.layout.Table.table(
at arc.scene.ui.layout.Table.table(
at UnitInfo.ui.UnitDisplay.lambda$new$17(
at arc.scene.ui.layout.Table.(
at UnitInfo.ui.UnitDisplay.(
at UnitInfo.core.HudUi.lambda$addTable$62(
at arc.scene.ui.layout.Table.(
at UnitInfo.core.HudUi.addTable(
at UnitInfo.core.Main.lambda$init$1(
at mindustry.ClientLauncher.lambda$update$11(
at arc.Events.lambda$fireWrap$3(
at arc.struct.Seq.each(
at arc.Events.fireWrap(
at mindustry.ClientLauncher.update(
at arc.backend.sdl.SdlApplication.listen(
at arc.backend.sdl.SdlApplication.loop(
at arc.backend.sdl.SdlApplication.(
at mindustry.desktop.DesktopLauncher.main(

This has nothing to do with the mod browser or this repository, it's a bug in the UnitInfo mod. Make sure all your mod directories are empty and that you are unsubscribed from all mods if on Steam.