Closed this issue · 3 comments
edit: sorry, i opend it exidently.
Very well done :) Adding the package to https://pypi.org/project/mesh2scattering/ is also a great idea.
It looks like a rather specialized use case around scattering and diffusion coefficients - are there wider uses outside diffuser research and design? Something connected to metamaterials?
thank you, seems like I exidently opend this issue. Anyway, yes this is very specific for reflection pattern of any kind of surface, such as facades or diffusers.
But I have the thank you guys, Mesh2HRTF is very powerful and it was quite easy to adopt it for my purpose. (and of course its much faster then Comsol ;)), really cool project.
I removed the blender plugin and create the NumCalc projects directly from python, by reading the mesh from stl directly, this makes it much more easy to handle test and also publish and install with pypi.