Couldnt get Graph legend shown on JPG using AnyChart-nodeJS
ChinHong-B opened this issue · 5 comments
ChinHong-B commented
I am trying to insert the graph legend on the a combined graph (lines and bars). It seems i cant get the legend shown in any of the graph position. My code is as follow:
var jsdom = new JSDOM('
', {runScripts: 'dangerously'});var window = jsdom.window;
var anychart = require('anychart')(window);
var anychartExport = require('anychart-nodejs')(anychart);
var dataSet =[
['P1', 174, 5854, 3242],
['P2', 197, 4171, 3171],
['P3', 155, 1375, 700],
['P4', 15, 1875, 1287],
['P5', 66, 2246, 1856],
['P6', 85, 2696, 1126],
['P7', 37, 1287, 987],
['P8', 10, 2140, 1610],
['P9', 44, 1603, 903],
['P10', 322, 1628, 928]
var firstSeriesData = dataSet.mapAs({ x: 0, value: 1 });
var secondSeriesData = dataSet.mapAs({ x: 0, value: 2 });
var thirdSeriesData = dataSet.mapAs({ x: 0, value: 3 });
var chart = anychart.column();
chart.title('Combination of Column, Spline-Area and Spline Chart');
var scale = anychart.scales.linear();
.title('Secondary Y-Axis')
var columnSeries = chart.column(secondSeriesData);'Column');
var splineSeries = chart.splineArea(thirdSeriesData);'Spline');
var lineSeries = chart.spline(firstSeriesData);'Line').yScale(scale).stroke('2.5 #ef6c00');
chart.bounds(0, 0, 1024, 800);
anychartExport.exportTo(chart, 'jpg').then(function(image) {
fs.writeFile( localDir+"/test.jpg", image, function(fsWriteError) {
if (fsWriteError) {
} else {
}, function(generationError) {
Shestac92 commented
Can you provide a screenshot of the resulting chart?
The code you provided renders the legend correctly, check the sample on PG.
ChinHong-B commented
Shestac92 commented
Hm, the chart is truncated at the bottom. Is it a screenshot of the part of the chart or it's the full result of the export?
ChinHong-B commented
ChinHong-B commented
Any update on this? It that just me or it is a common problem?