Positions of flash-alignment
Rikco opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi Enrico,
Sorry for the late response.
In the flash button configuration:
Here is the original line of code to set the location:
scanView.flashButtonConfig?.flashAlignment = .bottomRight
Instead, please use this code:
scanView.flashButtonConfig = ALFlashButtonConfig.init(flashMode: .manual, flashAlignment: .bottomRight, flashOffset: .zero)
You may have to play a bit with the flashOffset, because the button may disappear off the screen when positioned at the very bottom:
scanView.flashButtonConfig = ALFlashButtonConfig.init(flashMode: .manual, flashAlignment: .bottomRight, flashOffset: CGPoint(x: 0, y: -100))
Please let us know if the issue persists to assist you further.
Hi Enrico,
We had a small internal flash rework. Could you please try if this issue persists for you?
Please open another issue if this is still an issue for you.
Thanks and regards,