
Add command line trigger for "show shortcuts"

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I started using skhd as a hotkey manager, but unfortunately it seems to conflict with KeyClu, as the KeyClu shortcuts don't work anymore :(

I think the easiest way to provide support for this setup, as well as many other possible setups, would be to provide a command line trigger, for example:

/Applications/ --showShortcuts

Then it would be easy to use with skhd, or any other trigger that a user can imagine.

It would be nice of course for the cool Command-based shortcuts to work with skhd, but that could possibly, be too much work, be too hard to solve, or even impossible under macOS. So investigating the specific interaction with skhd sounds like a riskier use of time.

Hey maialalor,

I've checked skhd and see no issue with KeyClu. Please provide your .skhdrc for more details.

Please note, KeyClu workflow is different than just react to hotkey, it show window while you holding ⌘ key down, when you release it - window would be closed. Also if you press any other key - window would be closed.

I finally got some time to troubleshoot, and it actually is working for me now. I'm not sure what changed on my end... but regardless, it's working! Sorry about the confusion.

Anze commented

I've added trigger via command line command, hope it working the way you expected.