
does not work if sticky keys is enabled

Fiorefiore opened this issue · 3 comments

I can't open the cheat shit by double clicking and holding "command" if i have sticky keys enabled. how can i use this app while maintaining sticky keys active?

Anze commented

Hello Fiorefiore,
as I can see sticky keys should have bigger time (delay) between keys pressed. At the moment KeyClu is not supporting sticky keys natively for activation by pressing command twice. Instead you can switch activation to single press and hold command key and increase delay before activation, this should work, as it required less effort to call a shortcut panel. To hide the panel you would need to press command again 1(2) times to release the command key. It is not the perfect way, but some workaround.
Or there is another possibility to show window, by using other tool, like skhd or BetterTouchTool and assign another hotkey (which would not be required to keep pressed state) and call KeyClu with passed param --show-shortcuts to binary
I would note to try to make it work by double pressing the command key, but as I can see it is required to press command key 4 times, which might be not convenient.

Anze commented

Hey, nice that you found a way to make it work.
As I've mentioned, it is possible to assign other hotkey to activate shortcuts window, here is an example with skhd. You would need to have .skhdrc in your home directory. Sample content for the file:

cmd + ctrl - a : /Applications/ --show-shortcuts

That would trigger to show shortcuts window by pressing cmd+ctrl+a