
Persistent Panel Activation

Closed this issue · 3 comments

New user here.

The persistent panel trigger isn't working.

Chip Apple M1 Max
Memory• 64 GB
Startup disk
Macintosh HD
macOS Sonoma 14.2.1

Anze commented


Thanks for reporting it, it's known issue. To "fix" it please pick "none" and then again pick "keys".

Thank you. That solved the problem with the Hide and Show. But I see a new issue with the Persistent Panel.

When using multiple monitors, if the panel is on a "smaller" monitor and the app is on a "larger" monitor, the shortcuts don't align to the top of the panel, and some shortcuts are not viewable.

Anze commented

Could you report this issue in a separate topic and include details like your multi-monitor setup and which one is your main monitor?