
Easier communication on top of Electron ipc communication using promises.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


You can now easily achieve the same result by using Electron ipcMain.handle and ipcRenderer.invoke.


Easier asynchronous communication on top of Electron ipc communication using promises.

ipc + promise => ipc + p => ipcp.

Problem being solved

Sometimes you just need to ask something to the main process and wait for the response.
electron-ipcp makes this task easier.


If you use the two package.json structure, it might look like this:

  • install as devDependency in package.json
  • install as dependency in app/package.json


In renderer process

import { ipcpRenderer } from 'electron-ipcp'

// async/await style
async function askSomethingToMain() {
  const sumFromMain = await ipcpRenderer.sendMain('sumInMain', 1, 2)

// or promise style
function askSomethingToMain() {
  ipcpRenderer.sendMain('sumInMain', 1, 2).then((sumFromMain) => {})

In main process

const { ipcpMain } = require('electron-ipcp')

ipcpMain.on('sumInMain', (event, a, b) => {
  event.respond(a + b)

How it works

A randomly named communication channel is created and the module provides a respond method that use the same channel.

If you need to access the original electron event, it is available.

event = {
  respond, //method to respond to renderer
  originalEvent, // the original electron event