
Script does not work with Python v3.10

grav3m1nd-byte opened this issue · 4 comments

While working on the OSCP labs, I found this script is not working well with the latest Python3 releases and also found a few errors referencing libraries from Python2 as well as Python2 syntax.

I've made the necessary changes locally and could contribute to provide those fixes if wanted.

Are you talking about the except IOError, e at line 390 for example? and more that follows? @grav3m1nd-byte

There's a lot not working in this script re: Python 3.10, not just syntax errors as there are a few of those too.

The BULLETIN_URL is no longer valid, along with the MSSB_URL, so that logic will need to be updated as well. Although since the last update on it was 6 years ago, my guess is it isn't actively maintained anymore, so someone will have to fork it and get it working with Python 3.