
This repository is dead

Closed this issue · 3 comments

HVR88 commented

Move along, the software doesn't work for up to date TVs and is no longer being maintained.

Super dead. I tried 3 TVs. One 8500 from 2016, another 2018 Q9FN and another 6290 from 2019. None of them work. I doubt it actually worked in the first place since it fails even on 2016 ones and up.

That's the problem if you skip anything's official way and you turn to 3rd party solutions. You never can be sure, the project owner won't leave alone. This is a risky way, sadly.
Github is full of great stuff, but a lot of already are dead.

If I were Github staff, I'd bind project owners to get their projects ceased in a good way and archive the project. There's no sign this project is dead, it seems, it is still under development. This is the betrayal of the users.

@Ape please inform your users properly, maintain or archive the project, otherwise we'll report you at Github.
If you earned your users' trust, that's so unfair if you leave them without a word.

HVR88 commented


The above is the ONLY active project I know of for any platform that can control most Samsung TVs. Unfortunately it's not a replacement for this project.