
Netflix app

Rago11 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi guys, everything is working fine except Netflix app. I really dont know why is that. I have tried all 3 options for app_list but none of them works. HBO, Youtubey Spotife - those are working fine when i click them on source it switches to them. Netflix? NOPE... When I change it manually with my remote then it refreshes its status on HA also to netflix, but when I change it in HA from something to netflix it just does nothing at all. As I run out of options help is appreciated. Thank you.

Do you have any idea why ?

That is my applist config.

app_list: '{"YouTube": "111299001912", "Netflix": "11101200001/org.tizen.netflix-app", "Spotify": "3201606009684", "HBO GO": "3201706012478"}'

if you have a newer TV the ID for Netflix is 3201907018807

Thank you very much... It works now