
[MSync] Failed to create server !

Chillstice opened this issue · 7 comments

I've been using this actively on 3 servers for a few weeks.

I recently noticed issues with ulib rank syncing and found this error in the console:

[MSync] Failed to create server ! Please report this to the developer: Data too long for column 'server_name' at row 1

I think this might have been caused by changing the server hostname.

Should I reset the database and re-add the servers?

Is there a way to recover from this error?


How long is your servers hostname? (characters)

hostname "Chill-Servers PropHunt 24/7|RotLock|Outfitter|Taunts|Maps"
57 char

What's the maximum length for MSync?

55 characters, i will extend that by 20 later, and add a check to crop the servername if necessary. Also I will post you a sql script later, to update the table as I found 2 mistakes in it.

Run this SQL:

ALTER TABLE tbl_msync_servers
MODIFY server_name VARCHAR(75) NOT NULL;

And test this addon branch:

You could also propably just drop the servers table, as it has not much of a function currently and could be replaced easily

Assuming that this is resolved, I am closing this issue. Let me know if you have anymore troubles