
Broken link in apicur.io studio getting started guide

miguelsorianod opened this issue · 0 comments


When going to https://www.apicur.io/studio/docs/getting-started the following is documented:

This is an overview article for getting Apicurio Studio downloaded and running locally. If you would like to simply evaluate Apicurio Studio to see what it can do, it might be faster to try the [Live Version](https://release-apistudio.rhcloud.com/studio/) first.

The "Live Version" string has a link to https://release-apistudio.rhcloud.com/studio/ but that link is broken:

msoriano@localhost:~/apicurio-studio/apicurio-studio-0.2.61.Final/bin$ curl https://release-apistudio.rhcloud.com/studio/
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: release-apistudio.rhcloud.com