
Apiepie::ParamErrors Inconsistent interface

wozza35 opened this issue · 9 comments

It is suggested in the documentation to rescue both ParamMissing and ParamInvalid exceptions by rescuing from the Apipie::ParamError superclass. However, the interface of these two sub-classes is different.

For example, I'm trying to return a custom error JSON message in the case of a param error:

rescue_from Apipie::ParamError do |e|
  render json: {e.param => 'has an error'}, status: :unprocessable_entity

api :GET, '/foo'
param :arg, Array, required: true
def foo

ParamMissing#param returns an instance of Apipie::ParamDescription, whereas ParamInvalid#param returns a symbol. So, If the parameter is not an Array:

"arg": "has an error"

If the parameter is missing:

"ParamDescription: site#foo#arg": "has an error"

I realize I can rescue the error classes separately or make use of meta programming, but it seems like this might be unintentional behaviour?

I am thinking this might have happened due to a refactor. probably best to update the documentation, unless we're really missing out on something...

Might be related to my change with returning multiple errors, so either we need to reconsider that change or update the documentation.


@davidwessman Can you update the documentation ?

EDIT Now I realized the point about the different interfaces of param for ParamMissing vs ParamInvalid.
So my answer was probably not on point - sorry.

Previous answer @mathieujobin I reviewed the README and find that it has been updated to this syntax: ```ruby # ParamError is superclass of ParamMissing, ParamInvalid rescue_from Apipie::ParamError do |e| render text: e.message, status: :unprocessable_entity end ```

using e.message instead of e.param.

@wozza35 Where did you find the e.param example?

This is my suggestion to handle all the errors, but I am not sure if it should be in the README or not.

rescue_from Apipie::ParamError do |e|
  errors = if e.is_a?(Apipie::ParamMultipleMissing)
    e.params.to_h {|p| [p.name, "has an error"]}
    {e.param => "has an error"}
  render json: errors, status: :unprocessable_entity

So it seems like these errors have always used different interfaces for the params.

ParamInvalid is initialized like:

def error
ParamInvalid.new(param_name, @error_value, description)

ParamMissing is initialized like:

def self.raise_if_missing_params
missing_params = []
yield missing_params
if missing_params.size > 1
raise ParamMultipleMissing.new(missing_params)
elsif missing_params.size == 1
raise ParamMissing.new(missing_params.first)

BaseValidator.raise_if_missing_params do |missing|
@hash_params&.each do |k, p|
if Apipie.configuration.validate_presence?
missing << p if p.required && !value.key?(k)
if Apipie.configuration.validate_value?
p.validate(value[k]) if value.key?(k)

So it seems like it would make sense the change the ParamInvalid error to receive the whole ParamDescription as well.
But that seems like breaking change :/

Inconsistent interface isn't ideal, I convey, but considering the little audience of this gem. I'm not sure its worth fixing.

I guess if enough people vote that its worth it. otherwise, I think this is really minor. or at least, I don't see what exact problem is causes.


Thanks for your work. I've recently run into this issue. For me the problem it causes is the following:

I'm working on an API that accepts nested params and rescue ParamError to return a detailed error to the user. I'd like to include the source attribute described in the JSON API spec. When param is a ParamDescription I can used the parent attribute to reconstruct the parameter's full path. But that's not possible when param is a String.

I agree this is a minor issue and I do have a workaround (implementing custom wrapper validators to throw errors with the ParamDescription). But it's slightly annoying.


Here is my suggestion to implement the change in a (more or less) non-breaking way:

  • ParamError may be constructed with either a ParamDescription or a String.
  • Errors thrown by Apipie always use a ParamDescription.
  • The param attribute is:
    1. Always a String.
    2. Always a ParamDescription or nil.
    3. Always the value that was passed to the initializer (so probably a ParamDescription).
    4. A ParamDescription for ParamMissing, a String otherwise (ugly but 100% non-breaking).
  • We add the param_name (except in case i.) and param_description (except in case ii.) attributes to ParamError.

I'd be happy to submit a PR if one of the proposed options is acceptable.

@PanosCodes Do you have an opinion on the above?

@baarde I think it makes sense, but maybe it would be easier to see some code examples and some tests? Would be great if you could draft something up 🙂