
Boggle Game with ROR and React

Primary LanguageRuby


Simple Boggle word game with Ruby on Rails and React JS.

Note: This application was created on Windows 10 OS.

Built with

  • Ruby 2.6.6p146

  • Rails 5.1.7

  • Node : v14.1.0

  • Yarn : 1.22.4

  • React JS: 16.13.1

Quick Start

Open up a gitbash/powersshell and navigate to a location where you would like to download this project. Then, enter the given commands sequentially

Clone the project to you local directory using HTTPS


Navigate inside the downloaded project

cd rails-boggle-react

Install all back-end dependencies

bundle install

Install all front-end dependencies

yarn install

Run rails server

rails s

By default, the server tries to run on port 3000. So if you want to run it on a different port:

rails s -p <port>

Open up your browser and access the app via url http://localhost:<port>

Testing the Rails APIs

To run controller unit tests:

rake test


This project uses https://developer.oxforddictionaries.com api to validate if a word is valid.

Credits and References