
Viewing Velodyne PoinCloud data in rviz

Closed this issue · 4 comments


I am publishing a pointcloud of type PointCloud<apollo::drivers::lidar_velodyne::PointXYZ>

In order to select the frame, neither the /tf not /tf_static is available outside the docker without which the data is not displayed in rviz.

How to view pointcloud data which is being published inside docker, by running rviz outisde docker? Any other solution will also be appreciated.

@SS6141 You got the solution? I am facing the same issue!

Thank you for using Apollo! You can visualize point cloud data using Dreamview.

Thank you for using Apollo! You can visualize point cloud data using Dreamview.

@techoe I want to using dreamview to display my own point cloud. But i don't know how to do that? Can you give me some suggestion? Thanks a lot!

Closed due to inactivity. If the problem persists, pls feel free to reopen it or create a new one and refer to it.