Part 1 React Fundamental in ten lessons -- 10 essential basics are all you need to get started with React.
Part 2 With what you have learned in part 1, you can start building a simple todo list app like this one.
Part 3 Continue from part 2, a filter for complete/incomplete todo items is added.
Part 4 Same as part 3 but this time we build it with Redux. The filter setting is read from router.
Part 5 Same app as part 4 but, filter setting is read from Redux store. A deployable version of this part is available here, and you can view it here
Included in the repo are two blank project setups for you to use as a starting point to experiments:
Blank 1 A blank project setup with React
Blank 2 A blank project setup with React, Redux, and React Router
Here is a Redux Flux Cycle diagram to help you see the big picture for the flow of Redux Action: