
SML message parsing errors

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I own a two-way smart meter (Iskra eHZ-EDL Type MT681-D4A52-KOp) for my solar panels. Reading the data from the meter works fine using the 47_OBIS module in FHEM but fails in Node-Red using node-red-contrib-smartmeter (which uses this code).

Node-RED 1.1.3
nodejs 12.18.3
npm 6.14.6

The following are error messages I get:

smartmeter-obis error: Error: Error while parsing SML message: Error: Unknown TL-Field for SmlListEntry!: Message:

smartmeter-obis error: Error: Error while parsing SML message: Error: Wrong TL-Field 0x49 for Choice!: Message:

smartmeter-obis error: Error: Error while parsing SML message: Error: Wrong TL-Field (1) for Unsigned!: Message:

smartmeter-obis error: Error: Error while parsing SML message: Error: Wrong TL-Field 0x53 for Choice!: Message:

smartmeter-obis error: Error: Error while parsing SML message: Error: Wrong TL-Field 0x49 for Choice!: Message:

smartmeter-obis error: Error: Error while parsing SML message: Error: Unknown TL-Field for SmlListEntry!: Message: 1b1b1b1b010101017605173fb81662006200726301017601010507bfe8060b0649534b010722f8c4240101635c26007605173fb817620062007263070177010b0649534b010722f8c424070100620affff726201650b35cbee7a77078181c78203ff010101010449534b0177070100000009ff010101010b0649534b0107220177070100010801ff0101621e52ff5900000000094fd7760177070100010802ff0101621e52ff5900000000000001621e52ff59000000001050cfda0177070100020801ff0101621e52ff59000000001050cfda0177070100020802ff0101621e52ff5900000000000000000177070100100700ff0101621b520055fffffe630177078181c78205ff0101010183021278b1e04c3d323e3799c4a2e79c4073c6010101634fcc0076bb33001b1b1b1b1a003efa

I think the difference is that fhem only reads special values and we here really parse the sml.

Do these error always come or do it also work from time to time?

With this what you describe please make sure the head is positioned correctly, that the cable is good grounded, that USB port provides enough power, pot try an active usb hub if you directly have put it in a computer. Also try to hold cable best possible separated from the power cables.

Is it getting better then? In fact it sounds like data transfer problems because the error is always in different places in the message.

Hardly any data gets through, normally I only get error messages like the one above.

System is an ATX with Ryzen CPU and B450 chipset - USB ports should be sufficient with power I assume.

I have fhem and node-red running in the same Proxmox VM, and I just enable/disable the device accordingly in either one.

In fhem I always get results - every second an update.

So I am not sure if this is really a hardware/cable issue (I did move the cable away from the power cables though)...

As described: FHEM ist just searching for certain parts of the SML message, so if there is no data error in this then it will "always work". This library parses the SML data message

So please do what I told above - I also had one of my IR head on a Intel NUC USB port and now added an active USB hub because it was in fact partly not enough for the cable length.

And also as said: because of the fact that the error always seems to be on a different place it is most likely no firmware issue where the device sends a broken message, so it is from my experience most likely that data are corrupted.

So again:

  • Please check the position of the head (it could be a millimeter ...)
  • Please try with an active USB hub
stale commented

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs within the next 7 days. Please check if the issue is still relevant in the most current version of the adapter and tell us. Also check that all relevant details, logs and reproduction steps are included and update them if needed. Thank you for your contributions.
Dieses Problem wurde automatisch als veraltet markiert, da es in letzter Zeit keine Aktivitäten gab. Es wird geschlossen, wenn nicht innerhalb der nächsten 7 Tage weitere Aktivitäten stattfinden. Bitte überprüft, ob das Problem auch in der aktuellsten Version des Adapters noch relevant ist, und teilt uns dies mit. Überprüft auch, ob alle relevanten Details, Logs und Reproduktionsschritte enthalten sind bzw. aktualisiert diese. Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung.

stale commented

This issue has been automatically closed because of inactivity. Please open a new issue if still relevant and make sure to include all relevant details, logs and reproduction steps. Thank you for your contributions.
Dieses Problem wurde aufgrund von Inaktivität automatisch geschlossen. Bitte öffnet ein neues Issue, falls dies noch relevant ist und stellt sicher das alle relevanten Details, Logs und Reproduktionsschritte enthalten sind. Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung.