
Reading values from DVS74 DZG is wrong sometimes

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I get correct values but then some wrong values, until I get correct values again :(

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Im Reading with the following config:

var options = {
    'protocol': "SmlProtocol",
    'transport': "SerialRequestResponseTransport",
    'transportSerialPort': "/dev/ttyUSB1",
    'transportSerialBaudrate': 9600,
    'requestInterval': 10,
    'obisNameLanguage': 'de',
    'debug': 0,
    'protocolSmlIgnoreInvalidCRC' : true

And getting this data:

The first values are correct, then we go down (Big first step down), until we get back up (with a big step) to the correct value again... and go down to an incorrect value again at the end.

I saw the bug here: #75
this might be the same problem but with no solution so I add more data to might fix the problem.

What is interesting about this -> the big steps with the following values:
383 to 256
383 to 512
639 to 512
So as you might notice that the steps always ends on a number with powers of two and the difference is always 127 (128 but minus one because we added one). This can not be a coincidence if you ask me ;)

Do we have any way to get the correct values out of that? Thanks for any hint

If the values come out from SML that way then in first run it is that way. You can send/attach here a debug log with the full message and the parsed SML values and tell which value it is exactly and I can re-check the decoding of the message to make sure it is not a bug in the SML decoding (I would consider it uncommon, but sometimes you never know)

if it is a firmware buig writng invalid valus then I have no chance ... If you know how to fix it then you can write a small javascript to get a fixed value for yourself

This is the output:

1-0:2.8.0*127 is 530, but should be 659

EDIT: 1-0:1.8.0*127 is correct

Then it really seems to be the Firmware bug because dattypes in both are the same .... I would not see any library logic issues

Ok, thanks for checking!