
Other emailing providers

abartier opened this issue · 3 comments


Thanks for the work you've done so far.
I strongly believe this is the kind of lib that is missing to get more elixir/phoenix adopters!

Any plans to support other emailing providers? Mailgun is great but there a lot of other possibilities.

This is more a feature request than a real issue ;)

I would love to support more provides, its just a matter of a hex lib being available for them. I may down the road make some adapters for popular requests so that they can be used with accesspass / independent of it. Do you have any provider in specific you are looking to use?

Well, we use AWS SES a lot.

There's a lot of providers for this service supporting them all can be difficult. I believe that a SMTP adapter could be a good start.

Another possibility could be to add bamboo as a dependency as it already offers a lot of adapters.

will be taken care of in #10