
[FR] Add a border to the selected Unsplash image.

Closed this issue · 3 comments


Currently, only the built-in images are given a border when selected. We should also add a border to selected Unsplash images.

Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 13 34 50 Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 13 33 39


Make the UI consistent.

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Hey @LucasXu0 I can't understand what you are trying to do. so can you explain a bit more clearly it was very important to build a new feature for this community.

Xazin commented

Hey @LucasXu0 I can't understand what you are trying to do. so can you explain a bit more clearly it was very important to build a new feature for this community.

In the first image that Lucas attached to the issue report, under the Background image category, you see that the selected image has a blue border with some spacing and then the image.

Now in the second image attached, you see how selecting an Unsplash image looks, but if the unsplash image is already the selected image, there is no blue border indicating this.

This issue aims to address this discrepancy, by adding the same border from the first picture, to the unsplash image if it is the currently used (selected) one.

@Xazin Thank you for explaining