
Temperature limiter is semi-broken

Closed this issue · 4 comments

MacBook (please complete the following information):

  • M1Pro
  • Sequoia
  • Apple 120W
  • USB-C, Apple standard
  • AlDente Pro
  • AlDente Version: 1.28.3
  • External Monitor connected? - No
  • MacBook used in Clamshell Mode (with the lid closed)? - No

Describe the bug
On my machine, charging stops when the temperature exceeds 35°C.
However, once charging stops, it does not restart, even if the temperature falls back below the threshold and more than 5 minutes have passed.
In other words, the hysteresis process described in the documentation does not occur, except for stopping when the temperature limit is initially reached.

Expected Behavior
The charging temperature limit should work as described

Additional context
If I manually move the charging limit, up or down, in the popup, with the mouse, the charging is instantly resumed.

Hi @Sidepie,

If possible, please share a debug file the next time this happens so that we can assess this issue better. You can find a guide on How to generate and share a debug file on our blog.


I got the same problem. Charging does not continue after heat protection triggered. This does not happen in the previous AlDente version.

  • MacBook Air M1
  • Sequoia
  • Apple 30W
  • USB-C, Apple standard
  • AlDente Pro
  • AlDente Version: 1.28.3
Screenshot 2024-09-20 at 08 29 48 2

Hi everyone,

We have just released AlDente 1.28.4 which includes a fix for this issue.
To get AlDente 1.28.4 you need to update within the app under Settings/General/Check for Updates.
Please report back if it works for you.


Thank you for your fast support, everything seems to be in order now.